01 January 2014

Happy New Direction !

New Year’s resolutions are all about new starts, and taking control of your life, your own life.  What does this coming year hold out to you and what are you going to do about it?  If your New Year resolution involves a bold new step in a life of spiritual exploration, why not come and find us?
A very interesting book I have read recently suggests that, when we are unsure, taking action – taking a step – actually doing a physical act – builds our confidence and in turn empowers us to take another step.  Thus taking action becomes a virtuous circle with each little act launching us to do something a little bigger and better, helping us become more certain and more successful in our attempts as we go.
In recent years, all society has been more wobbly than we would like.  Perhaps this year is the year where we each try to do our bit to pick our way towards the way through, and out the other side.  But whether in private or public life, what has been becoming clearer to humankind since the 18th century Enlightenment is how much of our lives is under our own control.  We are now – for the first time in human consciousness – beginning to see how our own actions can even affect the weather and the geographic conditions which our brother and sister beings may experience on the other side of the world.
Humans do not view the cosmos from the same point as each other, so they receive information differently and interpret the principles behind the cosmos differently.  Unitarians are people of faith who have made a point of recognising this difference between standpoints, and honouring them.  Are you like many of us: does your faith no longer involve the idea of an omnipotent power who will step in from "on high" to save us from natural disasters or from our own misdoings?  You and I may have other ideas to help us understand the way it all works, and to live with it, and our ideas or our language may not be the same.  But one thing Unitarians do all share is the certainty that – one way or another – it is we who are left with the responsibility for the circles of human love in which we find ourselves.  And we are also left with the joy of new beginnings when we try to do live up to that responsibility. 

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