30 March 2014

April 2014 Meeting

The April worship meeting of Didymus (Ringwood Unitarians) was on Sunday 13 April (Palm Sunday for western Christians).

Our meeting was linked with imminent Jewish festival of the Passover, which occurs in what western Christians call Holy Week, the week leading up to Easter.  It was to celebrate the Passover that Jesus went to Jerusalem, commemorated on Palm Sunday.  The Passover marks the pivotal event for the Jews, in which God granted them freedom from slavery to the Egyptians.  This freedom came with the specific instruction that it was given in order that they could make study of the law, i.e. the life of the spirit, a defining focus of their lives.
In our meeting we read texts from the prayer book, and combined TaizĂ©-style chant with periods of silence, as well as sharing bread and water.  The Passover was a violent affair involving animal sacrifice and death of many Egyptians in the face of protection and release of the Israelites, and we reflected on it as both hope and dread.  And we also considered the value of sharing it with others even if the outcomes can't be changed.